The Courageous Prayer: #IFPRAY703

GOD, we believe that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see —

and we have assurance that You will make us strong and courageous to “lay down every dead thing we are still holding on to, to dismount from our dead horses,” (Christine Caine) to stop holding to the past so we can step into what You are holding out to us.

We may not be fearless but we will be strong and courageous and faithful because our faithin You is greater than the fears in us.

We lay down our comfort zones because they are death traps, and we will be strong and courageous because You literally save us, and that makes us safe and the safest place we could ever be is in Your hand — and because we are saved by You, we are always, always safe, — so we are now called to go live dangerous lives

We lay down our safe, comfortable homogeneous ghettos, and in You will be strong and courageous to warrior for a diversity, for racial harmony, for Kingdom community, because our GOD is not American, but our God is African and Jamaican and Dominican and about Global Kingdom of God.

We will be strong and courageous because today there will be eyes on us, and they will need to see Christ in us and that we have answered Your calling for us because we have hung up on the lies from the pit of hell.  

Make us hunger for lives of hidden service in the battle, not for public medals out of the battle.Make us daily pray for character greater than our calling and for a humility greater than our work. 

Make us hunger for lives of hidden service in the battle, not for public medals out of the battle. Make us daily pray for character greater than our calling and for a humility greater than our work. 

Make us strong and courageous to get down on our faces every morning at 7:03 and repent of our fears and our idols and our sins and our messes because there will be no regeneration in this generation until there is a repentance on our faces because we cannot win any battle with rebel hearts, so may a movement of repentance move us so You hear from heaven and heal our land, so the land is taken for you.

Make us strong and courageous to do the new thing, because You are not the God of I was but You are the God I am and You are doing a new thing and that thing is unfolding right now in us will unfold in thousand of places around the world as we walk out our doors today and into dangerous lives.

Make us strong and courageous in a “faith that doesn’t erase insecurity, doubt, suffering or fear, but literally, daily, overcomes them.” (Jen Hatmaker)

Make us strong and courageous in a “faith that is not a formula to get us cheap stuff that only looks like the good stuff, but gives us faith that IS wild and dangerous and IS itself the real best stuff.” (Jen Hatmaker)

We will be strong and courageous and we will not be afraid; we will not be discouraged, for You are the Lord our God & You will be with you us wherever we go, so we take the next step which may feel like a leap of faith but our best mode of transportation through anything is always a leap of faith

take the next step which may feel like a leap of faith but our best mode of transportation through anything is always a leap of faith

We will be strong and courageous because “Your hold on us is stronger than our hold on You” (Jo Saxton) and delivered people go deliver people and because we have met You, we will go live a different story today than yesterday.

Make us strong and courageous because the great people living great stories are simply the ones who believe GOD CAN.

The hopeful stare up the steps. The faithful step up the stairs.

We will never see the miracles of God until we take the next step up the mountain. Even the smallest of faith in a great God is the greatest equalizer, the greatest eraser, and the greatest definer.

Faith diets from stress and feasts on Grace. Simply: Faith refuses to stress.

Lord, nobody knows how hard we’re trying to be brave to show up when it’d be easier to give up, to go do hard & holy things when it’d be easier to go do happy things, to not quit when we don’t know how to keep going on.

And You lean close & breathe warm courage into our exhausted places  “Just Call to Me. I guarantee I will answer you. I will make you strong & brave and courageous.” Jeremiah 33:3 MSG,  Joshua 1

So we will be brave. And hold on to Your light to hold back the flood of dark.

We will be brave. Because our bravery wins a thousand battles we can’t see because our bravery strengthens a thousand others to win their battles too

our bravery wins a thousand battles we can’t see because our bravery strengthens a thousand others to win their battles too.

We will be strong and courageous and not pray for the hard to go away but we will pray for a Brave Faith Bigger than the hard to come.

Make us strong and courageous to do that one next step  that seems impossible — because that’s who we are: The ImpossABLES.

Make us strong and courageous to do that one next step  that seems impossible — because that’s who we are: The ImpossABLES.

We will be strong and courageous and brave, because there are angels are closer than we know. 

And all the Brave & Courageous & the Never-Give-Uppers who cling to the Bravest One and Only One who ever loved us to death & saved us back to the realest & forever life,

We all believe angels are close now and He Himself will carry us out of here to take the land —

all of us, we all, said  Amen.

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